26 dezembro 2012

*Bolo Natal 2012* / *Christmas 2012 cake*

Um conjunto de Natal especial.
O bolo, as bolachas e os cupcakes, especialmente feitos para colorir e alegrar uma mesa de Natal!
A special Christmas set.
The cake, the cookies and the cupcakes, specially made to give colour and joy to a Christmas table!

Design das bolachas inspirado em SugarBelle's.
Cookies design inspired in SugarBelle's.

Vi estes cupcakes feitos pela The Designer Cake Company e não resisti a tentar fazer uns também. Ficaram fofinhos!
I saw these cupcakes made by The Designer Cake Company and I just couldn't resist trying to make them, too. Cute, aren't they?

A fase de produção.
The making of.

A fase da entrega.
The delivery.

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